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Macbeth Timeline

  • Act 1, Part 1

    Duncan, the king of Scotland, is at war with the king of Norway. He learns of Macbeth's bravery and he decides to give Macbeth the title of Thane of Cawdor due to the arrest of the last Thane.
  • Act 1, Part 2

    Macbeth and Banquo return home, and are encountered by three witches. The witches forsee that Macbeth will be thane of Cawdor and future King of Scotland, and that Banquo will be the Father of kings. Soon after the witches disappear, two knights approach Macbeth and informs him that he is the new Thane of Cawdor.
  • Act 1, Part 3

    Duncan, the king of Englad, plans to meet with Macbeth at his castle. Hearing of the prophesy, Lady Macbeth devises a plan to kill the king; however, Macbeth is unsure of the idea. Lady Macbeth curses at Macbeth and taunts him of being so hesitant. He soon agrees to the plan and waits for nightfall.
  • Act 2, Part 1

    Night has finally arrived and as Macbeth approaches the chamber door he once again hesitants and is yet taunted and pushed by Lady Macbeth to kill the King Duncan. Macbeth refuses and Lady Macbeth grabs the dagger and kills the King and the two guards. She creates a scene to look as if the guards had killed the king.
  • Act 2, Part 2

    Soon after the killing of the king and guards, two other thanes arrive, Macduff and Lennox. The two find the body of the King and ask macbeth what happens. Macbeth lies and claims that the guards killed the King and he saw them and in nhis outrage he killed the two guards.
  • Act 2, Part 3

    Hearing of Macbeths tale, Macduff and Lennox claim Macbeth as King of Scotland.
  • Act 3, Part 1

    Seeing that the witches' prophesy had followed piece by piece, Macbeth knew what he had to do next. he had to kill Banquo for he will be a father of a future king, Macbeth hires murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance, but during the assassination Fleance escapes; Banquo however was not as lucky and was killed.
  • Act 3, Part 1

    As Macbeth host a feast to celebrate his kingdom, Banqou's ghost haunts him and drives him insane. As the party leaves, the King's thanes, Macduff meets up with Malcolm in England to overthrow the king.
  • Act 4, Part 1

    Fearful of what is to come to his life, Macbeth meets with the three witches who show Macbeth three visions. The first warns him of Macduff, the second tells him to fear no man born of woman, and the third shows that he will only fall when Birnam Wood comes to his castle. Hearing this his mind is at ease and returns home.
  • Act 5, Part 1

    Lady Macbeth falls ill to which no doctor can cure her of. As Macbeth waits outside he sees an army led by Macduff, Siward, and Malcolm approach his gates. As he faces the vast army his mind is at ease for he knows of the witches visions that he will not fall unless all three visions are met, suddenly his wife's voice fills the air. He knows that she no longer lives and is proclaimed dead. He readies himself for battle despite losing his wife.
  • Act 5, Part 2

    As Macbeth approaches the army, he is informed that the enemy troops are holding branches of Birnam Woods, the forest in which the visions of the witches portrayed in his death. Shakened but he still continues and is now enganged in combat with the other forces until he crosses swords with Macduff.
  • Act 5, Part 3

    As Macduff and Macbeth cross swords, Macduff completes the last of the visions seen by the witches. Macduff informs Macbeth that he was not born of a woman but untimley torn from her. With fear in his eyes Macbeth loses his head to the sword of Macduff as he realizes that the three visions were fulfilled. Macduff later becomes king and ends the reign of Macbeth.