Macbeth pic


  • Macbeth & Banquo come home heros

    Macbeth & Banquo  come home heros
    Macbeth and Banquo comeme succussful from fighting the Norwegian's. Duncan hears about there heroic fighting that he has the Thane of Glamis put to death so Macbeth could be in line to be the Thane of Glamis.
  • Macbeth & Banquo come across the witches

    Macbeth & Banquo come across the witches
    The witches give Macbeth and Banquo there prophecy's. Macbeth is to become Thane of Glamis, Tane of Cawdor and King of Scottland.
  • Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth

    Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth
    Lady Macbeth finds out about Macbeth's prophecy's from a letter that Macbeth sent and orders him to kill duncan.
  • Macbeth Kills Duncan and becomes king.

    Macbeth Kills Duncan and becomes king.
    After Lady Macbeth got the guards drunk who are watching over Duncans room, Macbeth snuck into his room and stabbed him to death with two daggers. Macbeth then ended up killing the two guards, pretending it was out of anger. Macbeth now has become king of scottland.
  • Malcolm & donalbain flee from scottland

    Malcolm & donalbain flee from scottland
    After the death of there father, Malcolm & Donaldbain leave scottland because they now who ever killed ther father was still a threat to them.
  • Macbeth sends two murders to kill Banquo and his son

    Macbeth sends two murders to kill Banquo and his son
    Macbeth knew that Banquo knew there was something fishy going on. Banquo sons who also in line to be kings so. Macbeth knew they would be in the way of him becoming king so he had two murders go and kill Banquo and his son. The murders come across Banquo and end up killing him. Banquo's son Fleance ended up escaping the murders.
  • Macbeth has a feast at his castle

    Macbeth has a feast at his castle
    Macbeth the king has everyone over for a feast. During the supper Banquo's ghost appeared and frightend Macbeth. Macbeth starts to yell for him to leave and everyone is wonding what is wrong with him.
  • Hecate yells at the Witches

    Hecate yells at the Witches
    Hecate yells at the witches for telling Macbeth's prophicies without her. She called him spoiled and said that he was now turing evil because he is killing anyone who gets in his way of becoming king.
  • Lennox and the lord praise macbeth for his kingship

    Lennox and the lord praise macbeth for his kingship
    Lennox and the lord think that macbeth is doing a terrific job at fufillinf his duties of being king. They thought is was very loyal of mecbeth to kill the guards right away after everyone thought it was the guards.
  • Messanger tells Macbeth about Macduff Going to England

    Messanger tells Macbeth about Macduff Going to England
    Macbeth becomes furious when he hears about Macduff going to England to ask the king of England for help. He gives Macduff a chance to come back but he refuses. Macbeth is so mad that he orders the murders to kill Macduff's family that Macduff left behind in Scottland.
  • The Witches show Macbeth the three apparitions

    The first apparition is a helmeted head that tell him to beware of Macduff. The second apparition is a bloody child that tells him no man born of woman will harm him. The third apparition is a crowned child with a tree in his hand and he tells him that he will never be vanquished untill great Birnum wood comes to Dunsinane hill to fight him. Macbeth demands to know if Banquo's sons will ever reign in his kingdom. the witches show eight of Banquo's sons.
  • Ross warns Lady Macduff

    Ross warns Lady Macduff
    Ross comes to warn Lady Macduff to leave very soon because there is danger heading her way. after the Ross leaves, the murders show up and they ended up killing Lady Macduff and his family.
  • Malcolm tests Macduff

    Malcolm tests Macduff
    Malcoln wasnt sure if Macduff was on Macbeth's side or not. so Malcolm tricked Macduff by saying that he himself had to must lust and greed to become king. Macduff told Malcolm that he would overcome the lust and greed and said he would make a great king. Malcolm that he was so passionate about how he reacted that he now trusted Macduff and told him sorry for ever doubting him.
  • Ross then tells Macduff about the murder of his wife and family

    Ross then tells Macduff about the murder of his wife and family
    Ross tells Macduff and the death of his wife lady Macduff and his family. Macduff takes the news well because Malcolm tells him to stay focused and to get revenge on Macbeth. He tells him to transform his greif intoanger.
  • Doctor visits Lady Macbeth

    Doctor visits Lady Macbeth
    The doctor comes to visit Lady Macbeth. As the doctor is talking to the gentlewoman about how she has been sleep walking, Lady Macbeth enters the room with a candle. She is rubbing her hands together like she is trying to get the blood off of them. She is feeling guilty and now all of her secrets are comming out while she is sleepwalking.
  • Malcolm, Siward and Macduff are leading the English army

    Menteith, Caithness, Lennox, and Angus are talking about how Macbeth has gone crazy and ruined there country of Scottland. Malcolm, Siward and Macduff are leading the English army because they want revenge on Macbeth.
  • Macbeth gets ready for war

    Macbeth gets ready for war
    Macbeth has Seyton help him get is armor on for war. Macbeth also asks the doctor to give Lady Macbeth some kind of medicine to make her better. The doctor tells him she can only fix that herself.
  • England Invades Dunsinane

    Malcolm, old siward and his son, macduff, menteith, caithness, angus, lennox, ross and all of the soldiers invade Dunsinane. Malcolm tells all the soldiers to break off a branch from a tree and hide behind it so Macbeth doesnt see them comming.
  • Macbeth hears a scream from a woman

    After Macbeth hears a scream, Seyton comes back to tell Macbeth that Lady Macbeth was dead. He isnt really worried about it and said it was bound to happen sooner or later. He is more focused on winning the war.
  • Soldiers invade the castle

    Malcolm tells the soldiers that they are close enough now to throw down their branches and go attack the castle.
  • Yound Siward and Macbeth fight

    Young Siward confronts Macbeth and chanllenges him in a fight. Macbeth kills young Siward.
  • Macduff Confronts Macbeth

    Macduff finds Macbeth and want to fight him. Macbeth said that he would be no chanllange and theres no way Macduff could beat him. Macbeth tells him that he cannot harm anyone born of woman. Macduff says back to him that he was from his mothers womb untimely ripped. Macbeth gets mad and lost his confidence so he doesnt want to fight Macduff. Macduff calls him a coward and tells him to surrender.
  • Macbeth will not surrender

    Macbeth said he will not surrender. Macduff and Macbeth start to fight.
  • Macduff's Victory

    Macduff enters Malcolm, Siward and Ross with Macbeths head in his hand. Malcolm becomes King of Scottland!