Louis Braiile

  • Louis Braiile's birth

    Louis Braiile's birth
    Louis was from a small town called Coupvray, near Paris
  • Louis Braiile became blind

    Louis Braiile became blind
    At the age of 3, while playing in his father's shop, Louis injured his eye on a sharp tool. Despite the best care available at the time, infection set in and soon spread to the other eye, leaving him completely blind.
  • Louis received a scholarship

    Louis received a scholarship
    He received a scholarship to the Royal Institution for Blind Youth in Paris when he was 10
  • Charles Barber visited Louis Braille's school

  • He completed his system

    He completed his system
    Louis reduced the number of dots in each character from Barbier's 12 dots to 6 dots. This allowed all of the dots that made a single character to be touched at once with the fingertip. Louis continued to improve the system, which was mostly completed by the time he was 15
  • Louis published his first book

  • He added symbols for math and music

  • Louis Braille's death

    Louis Braille's death
    Louis Braille died from tuberculosis