Key Events That Occurred During First Century Palestine

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    start of ad AD1

    Christians decide (though not until AD 525) that this is the year of Christ's birth, making it AD 1 in the Christian chronology
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    Jesus birth

    Jesus was born arround 4 - 5 ad
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    tiberius is roman emporer 14Ad

    Tiberius succeeds his stepfather Augustus Caesar as the Roman emperor
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    Jesus begins ministry 29A.D.

    Jesus begins his ministry in Galilee, gathering disciples, preaching and healing
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    Jesus Death

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    Jesus is brought before Pontius Pilate 31A.D.

    Jesus is brought before Pontius Pilate who reluctantly sentences him to death for blasphemy
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    Jesus Crusified

    Jesus Christ is crucified, according to the accounts of his followers, outside the city wall of Jerusalem
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    St Paul, taking ship to Cyprus, 49A.D.

    St Paul, taking ship to Cyprus, begins the first of his great missionary journeys
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    Invention of the 7 day week 50A.D.

    working week of seven days is adopted in Rome, based on the seven known planets (whose names provide the days)
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    Nero is emporer

    The 16-year-old Nero is proclaimed emperor by the praetorian guards after the death of Claudius, supposedly poisoned by toadstools
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    St Paul in Rome 60A.D.

    St Paul arrives in Rome a prisoner, but then spends two years freely preaching Christianity
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    The Jewish religious and governing system was divided between two parties: the Pharisees – the ‘people’s party’, taught the law and traditions of Israel’s patriarchs, and were strictly conforming to Jewish law; and the Sadducees – the wealthy and conservative leaders who rejected the traditions in favor of political and religious cooperation with the Romans.
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    Book of Revelation and Gospel of Saint John written.