Karl Marx

By fahadam
  • Karl Marx birth

    Karl Marx birth
    Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818. He was born in Trier, Germany. His full name was Karl Heinrich Marx. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/marx_karl.shtml
  • Karl's childhood

    Karl's childhood
    At the age of 12, Karl enrolled at the Friedrick Wilhelm Gymnasium in Trier. 24, September from Friedrick Wilhelm Gymnasium with exceptional grades in Latin, Greek, French, and Mathematics. His worst class being History. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/marx/
  • Karl's Early Adulthood

    Karl's Early Adulthood
    22 October Karl's father enrolled him into the University of Bonn as a law student. He personally wanted to major in Philosophy and Literature. 10 May 1838 Max's father passes away in Trier. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/marx/
  • Karl's Mid-Years

    Karl's Mid-Years
    He befriends a Zionist Philosopher and Socialist Moses Hess, together, he and Moses Hess attend lectures at Frederick William University. On the 23rd of January, two of Marx's poems were published: "Der Spielmann" and "Nachtliebe". 15 April Marx conferred with the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" from The University of Jena. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Karl-Marx
  • Karl's introduction to Politics

    Karl's introduction to Politics
    Marx's befriends a man by the name of Mikhail Bakunin. In February Marx's publishes the first and only issue of the Deutsch–Französische Jahrbücher. 1 May Marx's oldest daughter is born in Paris, France. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Karl-Marx
  • Marx is banned from Paris

    Marx is banned from Paris
    3rd of February Marx is expelled from Paris under pressure from the Prussian Government. He then moved to Brussels, Belgium. 24 of February Marx and Engels publish "The Holy Family". Marx and Engels finish working on "The German Ideology", the book was not published until 1932. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Karl-Marx
  • Karl publishes the "Communist Manifesto"

    Karl publishes the "Communist Manifesto"
    February 24 Karl publishes the communist manifesto in German. 4th of March Karl was arrested in Brussels and was expelled to Paris. Karl's family only went down from there. His son died at the age of 8 and his mother dies. https://www.history.com/topics/germany/karl-marx
  • Marx's Death

    Marx's Death
    March 14 Karl dies in his home in London, England. 17 March Karl is buried at Highgate Cemetary. After Marx's death, Engel's main purpose was to finish editing and publishing their work. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/marx_karl.shtml