Abc jhon

Jone hudson's timeline by Sophia.M

By becool
  • John was born

    John was born
    John was born 1774
  • John's parents died

    John's parents died
    John's parents died between 1774 and 1783
  • Chimney sweeper

    Chimney sweeper
    From 1774 to 1783 he became a chimney sweeper at a very young age
  • John was sent to court

    John was sent to court
    John was sent to a court house for stealing one linen shirt five silk stoking's, one pistol, two aprons from William's Houldsworth house at one in the morning
  • Sent to the hulks

    Sent to the hulks
    John was sent to the hulk could the Dunkirk and a very good beaver on it from 1784- 1787 he was on it
  • Transported to Sydney Cove

    Transported to Sydney Cove
    After 4 years John was off the hulks and sent to Sydney Cove
  • John was sent to North flock Island

    John was sent to North flock Island
    John was sent to Norfolk Island to start a new colony and got 50 lashes on the 15th of Feb for stating up from 9:00
  • John was sent back to Sydney

    John was sent back to Sydney
    John was sent back to port Jackson in Sydney from 5 years in Norfolk island this was the last record of John