Ernest nagel

Ernest Nagel Nov 16, 1901 - Sept 20, 1985

  • Ernest migrates to the United States

    Ernest Nagel Originally born in Nove, Bohemia what is now known as Czechoslovakia. His family decided to move too the states when he was 10 becoming a citizen 18 years later.
  • Ernst is born

    Ernest Nagel is born in Nove, Bohemia. what is now known as Czechoslovakia
  • Period: to

    Ernest Higher Education

    After becoming a citizen Ernest perused his higher education in the states receiving his bachelors in science from the College Of The City Of New York City. Then continued the rest of his education at Colombia University Earning his masters and Ph.D in philosophy.
  • Ernest receives his first Guggenheim Fellowship

    Ernest receives his first Guggenheim Fellowship
    An award given to scholars or people who are creative in the arts. There are 2 Yearly completions with only 175 Fellowships given yearly. Nagel earned his for his contributions to symbolic and mathematical logic.
  • An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method is published

    An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method is published
    Ernst and his mentor Morris Cohen worked together to publish the book AN Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method. It became one of the first books published in that subject and one of the original building block for the subject also one of the most successful books in the field.
  • Ernest publishes The Structure of Science

    Ernest publishes The Structure of Science
    As Ernst most famous book he takes the time too explain the logical structure of scientific concept. He explained that6 the same logic of scientific explanation was the same throughout all of science. HE then explain the the controversy between different views of scientific concepts
  • Ernest becomes University Professor at Columbia University

    Being an academic at the university of Columbia for 36 years. Sharing and spreading knowledge with little to no bias's he eventually was named the university professor.
  • Ernest Nagel is elected into the National Academy of science

    Ernest was an Unusual type of philosopher. Stretching his interest all over science and not completely settling down in one subject. Working with different scientist. For example giving a lecture with Paul Lazarfeld on the methodology of the social sciences. This wide range of interest earned him his spot at the National Academy of Science.
  • Ernest Nagel Receives Columbia's Nicholas Murray Butler Medal in Gold

    Ernest Nagel Receives Columbia's Nicholas Murray Butler Medal in Gold
    The award named after Colombia's president and Nobel peace prize winner is given every 5 years. Ernst won his for his contributions philosophy and his administration with the school.
  • Ernst Nagel Dies

    Erenst Dies pneumonia at Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center. He died at 83.