Little boy

Jasper Sheff's childhood

  • Jasper is born!

    Jasper is born!
    Jasper is David and Karen's first child and Nic's first stepbrother. At this time naive Nic is just 11. Even though he is most likely fullly adjusted to the fact Karen and his dad are married now he might not be completly comfortable. It is also possibel that Nic is uncomfortable with a new baby. He might be feeling this on the inside but, on the outside he shows fondness for the baby while playing with him.
  • First words

    First words
    Jasper utters his first word, duck. And his third word is Nicky. Not only is Nic completely comfortable with the new baby but, he is actually using him to his advantage as shown here, "Nic meanwhile has discovered an unanticipated benefit of a baby in the family. The girls in his grade flock to Jasper" (Sheff 46).
  • New Baby Sister.

    New Baby Sister.
    Little baby Daisy is born and Jasper is confused yet excited. He is still quite young so it is slightly hard for him to completley understand whats going on.
  • Nicky leaves for the summer to live with his mother for a while.

    Nicky leaves for the summer to live with his mother for a while.
    Nic is leaving for the summer to live with his mother. As part of joint custody he lives with his father trhough the school year and with his mother over the summer.. Nic and Jasper have become best friends. Nic was heavily afffected by the divorce but, mainly with the fact that his parents live in different places. It is extremely difficult to be at two different places at once.
  • Jasper's big brother gets arested

    Jasper's big brother gets arested
    Nic is arested for not previously appearing in court for the purchase of marijuana. Not only is Nic taken away but, his brother who was 6 at the time had to witness it.
  • Nic goes away to live in "a castle"

    Nic goes away to live in "a castle"
    Nic goes away to college leaving behind Jasper once again. Jasper is devastated yet, gets a visit from his best friend every once and a while.
  • Nicky goes missing

    Nicky goes missing
    After coming home for a few short days Nic goes missing. A few days pass and Jasper starts to worry and ask where his big brother is. And the shakey and indirect answers don't bring him closure.
  • A Step-up Ceremony without Nic

    A Step-up Ceremony without Nic
    After stealing valuables and money Nic leaves to go on a drug expidtion. While he is gone he misses an important moment in Jaspers childhood, one of his (and daisy's) step-up ceremony. This shows how Nic can't put is addiction asside for his family and how he is overtaken by drugs.