The crest of relish colour with background smaller

How Relish Came to Be

  • Zachary Gerrity Born

  • Period: to

    The First Age: Peace and Ignorance

    The area of time prior to the primary six members of relish being aware of each others existance
  • James Williams Born

  • Zachery Cocken Born

  • Elliot Sayers born

  • Elliot and Zach Meet they are related
  • Period: to

    Era II: The Beginning of the End

    The time period when each Relish member became aware of each others existance.
  • Daniel Shelley Born

  • Philip Lloyd Born

  • Elliot and Phil Meet

    Sometime in 2007 from their homeschool times.
  • 2010 Facebook Adds

    FEBRUARY: Elliot + ZachMARCH: Phil + ZachAPRIL: Phil + Zac and Phil + ElliotJUNE: Elliot + Zac
  • 2011 Facebook Adds

    APRIL: Zac + ZachJULY: Zac + ShelleyDECEMBER: Elliot + Shelley
  • Relish Tidak ada

    Regarding Star Wars in 3D. The first chat with the first five founding members of Relish plus Kie Bailey.
  • Period: to

    The Third Age: The Grand Formation and Emergence

    The time when we started associating and all those millions of other chats created regarding random discussions and organising things. Also the many chats we had with The Confederacy of the Demon Sluts of Mordor.
  • 2012 Facebook Adds

    APRIL: Zach + ShelleyJULY: Phil + ShelleyAUGUST: Elliot + JamesNOVEMBER: Zach + James
  • Nru Relish:

    Zac still refers to Shelley as 'Dan'
  • Zach and Shelley Meet

    Shelley meets Zach at Elliots house due to Jake being invited and bringing Shelley.
  • Shelley Becomes a Regular

    This first chat which establishes Shelley as a regular member of future chats. Shelley appears in all subsequent chat's after this one.
  • Cheeseburger Please No Relish

    ESTIMATED DATE. This is the date the term 'relish' was coined. From this date the escallation began in full force.
  • He Relish

    All of Relish but Jamed with the girls. This was the first conversation were 'Relish' was ever brought up when zac named it "No Relsh" and everybody had a great deal of laughs about it.
  • Katie vs Zac

    The day when Katie kicked off with Zac out of the blue for seeingly no apparent reason and Relish pretty much stopped associting with The conferderacy of the demon slags of Mordor. We literally never had a group conversation with them ever again after that.
  • Facebook Adds 2013

    FEBRUARY: James + Zac anad James + Shelley and James + Phil
  • No Relish Begins

  • Period: to

    Era IV: The Paragon of No Relish

    The time of the No Relish chat, it's creation to it's demise and the prime of Relish et Nicole
  • R3L15H

    Regarding 2nd of March ball. Elliot named the conversation 'Relish anyone'. On the 13th of January, 2013 Zac Cocken named the conversation: "R3L15H".
  • First time the first 'ultra-inbox' is named No Relish

    The dark confederate seperatist demon girls of the galactic mordor empire
  • Relish et Nicole Begins

  • Nicole's Party

    The first time we all met Jamed in person
  • Jamed Made Part of No Relish

    And also dubbed 'Jamed'.
  • Party of Pepper

    Many new things existed during this weeked. It was a big weekend for Relish.
  • No Relish Ends

    No Relish Ends at 72, 665 messages
  • No Relish: Episode II: Attack of the Fap Begins

  • Period: to

    Era V: The Epitome of Relish

    The time period of the second 'ultra-inbox' as No Relish had to be killed off. It became so long that is broke zac's phone and he could no longer partake. Era V can be considered the prime of Relish.
  • Relish et Nicole is actually named 'Relish et Nicole'

    Zac Cocken named the conversation: "Relish et Nicole"
  • First ever morphsuit excursion

    In Chorley, Zach, Zac, Shelley and Jamed.
  • 'No Relish II' stands at around 25,700 messages