Historical Timeline

  • Friedrich Froebel

    Friedrich Froebel
    A German predagogue born April 21, 1782- June 1852. He is known as the father of kindergarten.
  • Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    An Austrian neurologist born May 6, 1856- September 23, 1939. He is the founder of psychoanalysis.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    An American philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer born October 20, 1859- June 1, 1952. He is known as one of the founders of functional psychology.
  • Alfred Adler

    Alfred Adler
    An Austrian medical doctor and psychotherapist born February 7, 1870- May 28, 1937. He is the founder of the school of individual psychology.
  • Maria Montessori

    Maria Montessori
    An Italian physician and educator born August 31, 1870- May 6, 1952. She is known for the philosophy of education that bears her name.
  • John B Watson

    John B Watson
    An American psychologist born January 9, 1878- September 25, 1958. He established the psychological school of behaviorism and "Little Albert" experiment.
  • Arnold Gesell

    Arnold Gesell
    He is an American psychologist and pediatrician born June 21, 1880- May 29, 1961. He is known for Gesell's maturational theory of child development.
  • Karen Horney

    Karen Horney
    A German born American psychoanalyst. She is known for suggesting environmental and social basis for personality and personality disorders.
  • Jean Piaget

    Jean Piaget
    A Swiss clinical psychologist born August 9, 1896- September 16, 1980. He is known for Piaget's theory of cognitive development.
  • Lev Vygotsky

    Lev Vygotsky
    A Russian psychologist born November 17, 1896- June 11, 1934. He is known as the founder of cultural- historical psychology.
  • Erik Erikson

    Erik Erikson
    A German born American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst born June 15, 1902- May 12, 1994. He is known for theory on psychosocial development.
  • B. F. Skinner

    B. F. Skinner
    An American psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor and social philosopher born March 20, 1904- August 18, 1990. He is known for radical behaviorism.
  • Harry Harlow

    Harry Harlow
    An American psychologist born October 31, 1905- December 6,1981. He is known for maternal- separation, dependency needs and social isolation experiments on rhesus monkeys. The experiments show the importance of caregiving and companionship in social and cognitive development.
  • Abraham Maslow

    Abraham Maslow
    An American psychologist born April 1, 1908- June 8, 1970. He is know for Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
  • Benjamin Bloom

    Benjamin Bloom
    An American educational psychologist born February 21,1917- September 13, 1999. He is known for contributions made to the theory of mastery learning.
  • Mary Ainsworth

    Mary Ainsworth
    An American- Canadian developmental psychologist born December 1, 1913- March 21, 1999. She is known for work in the development of the attachment theory.
  • Urie Bronfenbenner

    Urie Bronfenbenner
    A Russian born American developmental psychologist born April 29, 1917- September 25, 2005. He is known for ecological systems theory of child development.
  • Alfred Bandura

    Alfred Bandura
    A Canadian- American psychologist born December 4, 1925. He is known as the originator of social learning theory.
  • Lawrence Kohlberg

    Lawrence Kohlberg
    An American psychologist born October 25, 1927- January 19, 1987. He is known for his theory of moral development.
  • Robert Coles

    Robert Coles
    An American author and psychiatrist born October 12, 1929. He is known for providing support and counsel to Ruby Bridges and her family during the desegregation of public elementary school in New Orleans.