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Harry Potter Live

  • Harry James Potter was born

    Harry James Potter was born
    Harry James Potter was born in London, Soon of Lily Evans Potter and James Potter, two wizards of the Orden of the Phoenix, they are wanted by the Dark Eaters, the army of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.
  • Lily and James Potter was killed

    Lily and James Potter was killed
    James Potter and Lily Evans Potter were killed by He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, but Harry wasn't killed because his mum prefered her death, not the death of Harry. She made this sacrifice of the life of Harry, made an ancient spell which protected the life of Harry
  • The letter arrived

    The letter arrived
    Hagrid gave the Hogwarts Letter to Harry, who accepted to go to Hogwarts, Although his uncles didn't want, he went to The school of wizarcarft an Wizardry
  • Harry Goes to plataform 9 3/4

    Harry Goes to  plataform 9 3/4
    Harry goes to Plataform 9 3/4 with Hagrid to go to Hogwarts.This day, he meets Ronal Bilius Weasley (Ron Weasley) and Hermione Gean Granger in the Hogwarts Express. This same day, he was chosen for Gryffindor, one of the houses o Hogwarts
  • Gryffindor

    Harry Was selected in Gryffindor, a house of the school of Hogwarts Wizarcraft and Wizardly, He was selected with Ron and Hermione, who do not know they are great friends in the future.
  • The seeker

    The seeker
    Harry is named seeker for the Quidditch team of Gryffindor
  • It's Leviosa, No Leviosá

    It's Leviosa, No Leviosá
    Harry, Ron and Hermione learn the spell: Wingardium Leviosa
  • Quidditch

    Harry plays his first match of quidditch. Gryffindor win versus Slytherin
  • The firts Pressents

    The firts Pressents
    Harry would send a gifts, the firts of he have in his life, one of the gift is the Invisibility Cloack
  • Gryffindor Wins the House cup

    Gryffindor Wins the House cup
    Gryffindor Win the House cup because Ron, Hermione, Harry and Neville fought against Quirrell, who is possesed by Lord Voldemort
  • Return to House, no Home

    Return to House, no Home
    Harry returns to Little Winging, with his uncles
  • Dobby

    Dobyy is a Domestic elf. He appears in Harry's bedroom
  • The Flying Car

    The Flying Car
    Harry is rescued from the house of his uncles by the Weasley's Brothers: Ron, Fred and George
  • Hogwarts, the second year

    Hogwarts, the second year
    Harry, Ron and Hermione returrn to Hogwarts before his summer holidays
  • The Chamber of Secrets has been opened

    The Chamber of Secrets has been opened
    The Chamber of Secrets is opened, a script in a wall, and the Filtch's cat are petrificated.
    The scripts says: The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir, beware
  • The Polyjuice Potion

    The Polyjuice Potion
    Harry and Ron go to Slytherin's Common room with the Polyjuice potion, a potion who changes your physical appearance
  • The book of Tom Riddle

    The book of Tom Riddle
    Harry found the diary of Tom Riddle, a student of slytherin who stayed in Hogwarts 50 years ago... this mistery book is very important in future
  • Enter in the Chamber of Secrets

    Enter in the Chamber of Secrets
    Harry, Ron and Guilderoy Lockhart enter the chamber of secrets to save Ginny, the sister of Ron, Hermione is on the Infermer because is attacked by the Chamber of Secrets's Monster, a basilisc, Basilisc is a giant snake who kills with his eyes, a basilisck live around 1000 years,is the product of a chiken's egg incuved in a frog
  • Little Winging

    Little Winging
    Harry returns to the house of his uncles