Harry Potter and the philosopher`s stone

  • Mr. Dursley experiences weird events

    Mr. Dursley experiences weird events
    Mr. Dursley spots and hears peculiar things throughout his day. An unormal cat standing outside his driveway, overhearing people in cloaks talking about Mrs. Dursley`s sister and her child "Harry" and owls swarming across the sky.
  • Dumbledore hands Harry over to his aunt and uncle

    Dumbledore hands Harry over to his aunt and uncle
    Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid meets at Privet drive. Dumbledore meets Professor McGonagall as she transfers from the cat Mr. Dursley saw to her original form. Hagrid arrives on his flying motorcycle with harry with him. They place Harry on Mr. & Mrs. Dursley´s front step with a note on his chest.
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    Harry Potter and the philosopher`s stone Timeline

  • Harry makes a protection glass at the zoo disappear

    Harry makes a protection glass at the zoo disappear
    Ten years after Harry was left on mr & mrs. Dursley`s door step, Harry´s cousin Dudley was celebrating his birthday at the zoo. Harry found interest in as snake at the zoo, but when Dudley pushed Harry out of the way to look at the snake. Harry got mad and made the glass vanish, and Dudley falls inside the constrictor tank . The snake escapes while thanking Harry, meanwhile Dudley was locked inside the constrictor tank.
  • Harry receives his first letter from Hogwarts

    Harry receives his first letter from Hogwarts
    Harry receives a letter adressen to him; The cupboard under the stairs. He never receives letters so it excites him. Mr. Dursley sees the letter and takes it away from him. Later that day Harry watches as Mr. Dursley burns the letter in the fireplace.
  • Mr. Dursley move the family to a hut on the rocks

    Mr. Dursley move the family to a hut on the rocks
    After nearly a week of letters being delivered to Mr & Mrs. Dursley`s house, Mr. Dursley decides to move the family to a hut on the rocks, in hope of not receiving any more letters. As the night settles Harry uses Dudleys watch as a count down until his birthday.
  • Hagrid appears at the hut on the rocks

    Hagrid appears at the hut on the rocks
    Hagrid knocks down the door of the hut clean of its hinges exactly when the clock hit midnight. He gives Harry the letter from Hogwarts he never got to read. Harry learns that he is a powerful wizard and he gets told how his parents really died
  • Hagrid and Harry purchase school supplies in Diagon Alley

    Hagrid and Harry purchase school supplies in Diagon Alley
    Hagrid takes Harry to Diagon Alley to purchase school supplies. He buys a set of books, an owl named Hedwiga, a uniform, a wand and other useful equipment. Hagrid also takes Harry to Gringotts and shows him all the money his parents left him, and he also collects something secret for Dumbledore.
  • Harry gets on his first train to Hogwarts

    Harry gets on his first train to Hogwarts
    Harry gets on his first train to Hogwarts. He meets Ron Weasley on platform 9 3/4 and he also sits with him on the train. Harry also meets Hermione Granger on the train when she shows Ron and Harry a spell. He also meets other future friends such as Neville Longbottom and his enemy Draco Malfoy
  • Sorting hat

    Sorting hat
    Harry and his friends get sorted into their houses. Harry and his friends gets sorted into Gryffindor
  • Gryffindor´s new seeker

    Gryffindor´s new seeker
    After Harry breaks school rules by flying on a broomstick after Neville´s remembrall he becomes Gryffindor´s new seeker. He learns everything that he needs to know about quidditch from the captain of Gryffindor´s quidditch team.
  • A loose troll at Hogwarts

    A loose troll at Hogwarts
    During Hogwarts Halloween feast, Professor Quirrell runs into the Great Hall to announce that there is a troll on the loose. Harry and Ron goes looking for Hermione where the troll is because she missed the feast. They find her in the girls bathroom with the troll and Harry and Ron defeat it together.
  • The invisibility cloak

    The invisibility cloak
    On Christmas morning Harry and Ron open presents when Harry gets and anonymous gift that contains and invisibility cloak that once belonged to his father
  • Mirror of Erised

    Mirror of Erised
    Harry finds The Mirror of Erised by accident when he looks for a book in the restricted section using his invisibility cloak. In the mirror he sees his mom and dad.
  • Three headed dog

    Three headed dog
    Harry, Ron and Hermione discovers the three headed dog guarding the trap door protecting The Philosopher´s Stone, when the moving stairs took them to a unknown door they entered.
  • The Forbidden Forest

    The Forbidden Forest
    Harry, Ron, Hermione and Draco served detention with Hagrid in The Forbidden Forest, because they talked to Hagrid about the tree headed dog. In the forest Harry sees a hooded figure sucking blood from a unicorn
  • Finding the Philosopher´s stone

    Finding the Philosopher´s stone
    Neville tries to stop Harry, Ron and Hermione when they went out to look for the stone. Hermione casted a spell upon Neville so they could get through. Harry, Ron and Hermione gets past the three headed dog and get passed different obstacles to get to the stone. Ron gets injured during a violent game of wizarding chess and Hermione stays to take care of him. Harry goes on by himself and sees Quirrell looking for the stone, and not Snape as Harry thought.
  • Lord Voldemort

    Lord Voldemort
    Harry retrieves the stone through The Mirror of Erised. Quirrell unwraps his turban and Lord Voldemort appears out of the back of his head. Harry defeats Lord Voldemort and Quirrell by touching Quirrell. His touch was like poison because of the love in his veins and Quirrell turns to ash
  • Gryffindor wins the house cup

    Gryffindor wins the house cup
    Gryffindor wins the house cup due to Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville´s bravery.