
Harry Potter

By akash11
  • Voldemort was born

    Voldemort was born
    He was born to Tom Riddle Sr and Merope Gaunt. His father was a human and his mother was a witch. He was born into a strict Slytherin family. His father never loved his mother and left her before he was born. His mother died giving birth.
  • Lily Evans and James Potter get married

    Lily Evans and James Potter get married
    Lily and James Potter get married. Sirius Black was Jamre's best man. It was a happy day for them. They were 19 years old.
  • Harry Potter was born.

    Harry Potter was born.
    Harry Potter was born to Lily and James Potter. He was born in Gordrics Hallow. A porphecy was made that a boy born on July 31/1980, to a wizarding family would kill Voldemort.
  • Voldemort murders Lily and James Potter

    Voldemort murders Lily and James Potter
    Voldemort attempts to kill Harry, their is a prophecy that Harry will destroy him. James dies first trying to protect Lily and Harry (WITHOUT A WAND)and Lily dies protecting Harry.
  • Harry figures out he is a Wizard

    Harry figures out he is a Wizard
    Dursleys not allowing Harry to open the Hogwarts letter. Hagrid comes and finds them and tells Harry the truth about who he is and how his parents died. Till this day Harry didnt know Wizards existed.

    first flying lesson for Gryffindors and Slytherins; Harry finds out he's a natural at flying and is made the Gryffindor Seeker.
  • Mysterious Gift

    Mysterious Gift
    Harry receives an anonymous gift on Christmas Day. He gets an invisibility cloak. It was passed onto him from his father. Dumbledore was in possesion of it and gave it to him.
  • The Philosopher's Stone and Quirrel

    The Philosopher's Stone  and  Quirrel
    Harry, Hermione, and Ron follow Quirrell after the Stone, overcome the various protections, and defeat Quirrell/Voldemort's attempt to steal the Stone.
  • Gryffindor wins House Cup

    Gryffindor wins House Cup
    Gryffindor thinking they were last end up winning the House Cup becasue of last minute points. Neville, 10 points, Ron 50 points, Hermione 50 points, and Harry 60 points for being brave and help getting the philoospher's stone
  • Hogwarts Express travels back to London

    Hogwarts Express travels back to London
    Harry travels back to the Dursley's in London. School is over and he cant wait to get to Hogwarts next year. He beat Voldemort this time, but what will happen next year?