Glacia - Kenna/Matias

By Kri
  • 161

    Nicklas and Jasmin end their marriage

    After many fights that mainly revolve around the lack of women produced in the Saari line and Jasmin's desperate want for daughts, the two end their marriage.
  • 163

    Nicklas marries Ilse, Healer caste developed

  • 173

    Kenna meets Matias

    K-14, M-15
    Kenna and Matias meet in Court Lessons. Matias is a ward of the court, expected to serve, one day, the Territory Queen.
  • Kenna takes the Province Seat

    K-20, M-21
    Kenna, after returning from her Offering with the Blood Opal, takes the Province Seat by force, Matias assisting her. Kenna turns in her mentor, the Terriotry Queen, for helping to smuggle Light Jewels from Glacia. Matias joins her court as the Consort.
  • Mikael is Born

    Matias and Wifey have a beautiful baby boy - Mikael! A Healer Prince just like his daddy.
  • Matias gets a Wifey - Elina!

    M-24, K-23, E-21
    Matias marries court Healer, Elina. She's cute.
  • Matias goes to da Territory Court

    M-23, K-22, E-20
    Mama and Daddy Saari do not like that Matias is serving a Province Queen, even as a consort, and suggest (strongly) that he goes and serves the Territory Queen and find a new wo-man. So he does. Kenna Learns that she is pregnant with his spawn.
  • Mariella is Born

    K23, M24
    As Matias leaves for the Territory Court, Kenna learned that she was pregnant with his spawn and thus, nine months later, gave birth to a little baby girl, Mariella
  • Matias meets Mariella

    After discovering that Elina is pregnant, Matias goes to ask Kenna's advice for if the child really is a male and holds the Healer Prince castes. This is where h discovered that he has a child by Kenna, little Healer Queen Mariella.
  • Matias Born

    Matias is born to the second wife of Nicklas Saari, Jasmin. He is their second son, but Nicklas' fourth.
  • Kenna Born

    Born an orphan.
  • NOW

    M-28, K-27 Kenna is the Province Queen of Venritt. Matias serves in the first circle for Territory.