George Henry Lewes

  • George Henry Lewes Introduction

    George Henry Lewes was an English philosopher and literary critic who lived from April 18, 1817 to November 30, 1878. Though he has many contributions to science, philosophy, and literature he is best known for openly living with Mary Ann Evans, who went by the Pen Name of George Eliot, for 24 years. Eliot and Lewes writings were further enriched by one another, but even though they claimed to be soulmates they never married.
  • Period: to

    George Henry Lewes

  • Science

    George Henry Lewes had his sights set of contributing to the scientific community well before meeting George Eliot. Some of his most notable published works in the realm of science are "Seaside Studies" (1858), "Physiology of Common Life" (1859-60), and "Studies in Animal Life" (1862). He also went head to head with Harriet Martineau when both released excerpts regarding Auguste Comte's "Course in Positive Philosophy". Lewes' except focuses on not only disseminating but also amending the ideas.
  • Philosophy

    Arguably largest contribution to philosophy is his work titled "Problems of Life and Mind" (1874-79). In this work the first two volumes deal with a rapprochement between metaphysics and science. The third volume addresses animal and human automatism which shows that consciousness is incidental of nerve action and is in no way essential to a chain of events. In the final two volumes he addresses psychology by stating that as well as a subjective method there must be an objective one.
  • Philosophy Continued and Death

    The final volume of "Problems of Life and Mind" by George Henry Lewes focuses on psychology. What could be considered his service to philosophy is his theory that the "logic of signs" is a more complex form of sensations and instincts, or "the logic of feeling". Lewes died on November 11, 1878 and is buried directly behind the grave of George Eliot. Following is a link of quotes by George Henry Lewes.
  • Resources for Timeline

    George Henry Lewes, The Real Man of Science: Behind George Eliot's Pendants, Beverly Rilett PhD,
    George Henry Lewes Wikipedia