Gabriel Guerin WWI

  • Birth

    Gabriel Guerin was born on july 25th 1892 at Havre.
  • Aircraft

    The french led the world in early aircraft design, and in mid 1912 the Aéronautique Militaire had five squadrons.
  • Joning the military

    Joning the military
    Gabriel Guerin joined the military in 1913, He made ​​the first part of the war as an infantryman, as a corporal in the 28 th Infantry Regiment
  • War Begins For France

    War Begins For France
    Germany declared war against France on august 3rd 1914, With Britin because the invasion of Belgium.
  • First shots fired

    First shots fired
    At first, the shooting-down of aeroplanes was (quite literally) a hit-and-miss affair and was usually done by ground artillery, despite the fact that on October 5, 1914
  • Promoted

    Gabriel Guerin was promoted to sergeant and lieutenant , he was awarded the Military Medal and Legion of Honor for his combat in the air.
  • Legion d'Honneur

    Legion d'Honneur
    In 1918, Guerin received the Legion d'Honneur as his victory tally continued to rise.