Devil & Tom Walker

By amb0319
  • Exposition

    Tom Walker has a challenging life and struggles to get by. Also is married to someone who takes advantage of him."He had a wife as miserly as himself."
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    Walks in the forest, meets the Devil and gets his fingerprint on his head that means he's bound to the Devils terms. "pressing his finger on Tom's forehead."
  • Climax

    Devil allows Tom to open up a banking company but says he needs to follow his rules or the deals off." He insisted that the money found through his means should be employed in his service. "
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    Tom begins to become wiser in his older age and starts to think if this was the best thing for him."Some say Tom grew a little crackbrained in his older days."
  • Resolution

    Tom walker calls the devil by saying "The devil take me" which the devil responds by putting Tom upon a horse and then galloped away.