• Marie Curie was born

    November 7th 1867 Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, Vistula land
  • marie moves from poland to paris

  • The Curie's got married

    Marie Curie marrie to Pierre Curie got married
  • perrie gets his doc of science degree

  • radioactivity

    discover of radioactivty
  • radioactivty discovered

  • irene curie

    marie curie had her first daughter
  • curies

    the curies proved the existance of a second element which they named radium
  • perrie is appointed professor in the facolty of sciences

  • marie isolated pure radium

  • medal

    davy medal of royal society
  • noble prize

    Marie curie was the first women to win a Nobel Prize.In 1903, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded Pierre Curie, Marie Curie and Henri Becquerel the Nobel Prize in Physics, "in recognition of the extraordinary services they have rendered by their researches on the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor Henri Becquerel."
  • evie curie

    had her second daughter
  • pierre died

    Pierre was killed on April 19th 1906. He was walking across the Rue Dauphine in heavy rain, he was struck by a horse-drawn vehicle and fell under its wheels and his skull was fractured
  • war

    During the world war Marie Curie pushed for the use of mobile radiography units, which came to be popularly known as petites Curies. these where used for the treatment of wounded soilders. they where tubes of radium emanation, a colorless, radioactive gas given off by radium, later identified as radon. These are now known today as X-Ray machines.
  • $50,000

    President Hoover of the United States presented her with a gift of $ 50,000, donated by American friends of science
  • what is radium used for?

    Radium was used in self-luminous paints for watches, nuclear panels, aircraft switches, clocks, and instrument dials
  • marie died

    she died
  • marie graduated first place in physics