Cold war

Cold War Timeline

  • Period: to

    The Cold War

  • Creation of NATO

    Creation of NATO
    On April 4, 1949, the organization NATO was created. NATO was created as a response to any Soviet military alliance
  • Beginning of the Korean War

    Beginning of the Korean War
    The Korean war begins with the U.S leading UN forces against the communists. The war ended in a stalemate with no side gaining anything.
  • Vietnam split at 17th parallel

    Vietnam split at 17th parallel
    It was decided that Vietnam should be split into North and South during talks in 1954, This was in order to separate the communist section of the country
  • Formation of the Warsaw Pact

    Formation of the Warsaw Pact
    The Warsaw Pact was an organization lead by the Soviet Union as a response to NATO. The Warsaw Pact was made up of the Soviet Union and various European communist nations
  • U.S sends troops to Vietnam

    U.S sends troops to Vietnam
    WIth the increasing threat of communism breaking out in southeastern Asian nations, President Kennedy sends troops into Vietnam. No formal declaration of war announced.
  • Fidel Castro gains control of Cuba

    Fidel Castro gains control of Cuba
    The Cuban revolution was an armed revolt against the U.S supported Batista. The U.S lost control of Cuba and leadership changed to Fidel Castro who then turned Cuba communist
  • Cuban Missile Crisis Begins

    Cuban Missile Crisis Begins
    The U.S Senate learns of Soviet missile installations in Cuba. The U.S sends spy planes over Cuba to investigate.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis Ends

    Cuban Missile Crisis Ends
    U.S and Soviet Union come to an agreement over missile installations. Both countries required to remove the missiles installed by each country.
  • U.S Troops Pull Out of Vietnam

    U.S Troops Pull Out of Vietnam
    After many long years of fighting, the U.S finally pulls its troops out of Vietnam. The feared spread of communism throughout southeast Asia never came, making U.S intervention pointless.
  • The Fall of the Berlin Wall

    The Fall of the Berlin Wall
    After many long years of separation, the wall whic h separeted east and west Berlin comes down. The fall of the wall signaled the beginning of the end for the Soviet Union