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Che Guevara

  • Birth

    The birth of Che Guevara
  • Medical School

    Che enters medical school.
    This is the beginning of his ambitions of helping people.
  • Bike Trip

    Bike Trip
    Che takes a year off of medical school for a nine month journey around the world.
  • Period: to

    Bike Journey

    Takes a nine month bike journey.
    Realizes that he wants to end social injustice and regulate latin america
  • Indigenous People

    Meets indigenous people.
    He feels sorry for the people so he gives them money
  • Leper Colony

    Leper Colony
    Volunteers at the leper colony and begins to see the social injustice that people face.
    Wants to change that.
  • Graduation

    Che graduates from medical school and begins to his dream of helping people
  • Period: to

    Cuban Revolution

    Where Che become known as being a ruthless war guerrilla.
  • Meeting Fidel

    Meeting Fidel
    Che meets Fidel Castro and they become partners.
    He makes connections to stat trying to libertate Latin America
  • Citizen

    Becomes a Cuban citizen
  • Marxism Distancing

    Castro send Che on a 3month expedtion around the world.
    This was thought to be becasue Che kept pushing his Marxism ideals onto Castro
  • Che

    Becomes Che.
    After becoming President of the National Bank it becomes his job to sign the cuban currency and all he writes on it is 'Che'.
  • Period: to


    Che disappears from regular life and public view
    This was a tactical battle plan
  • Capture

    Che is captured by Bolivian troops
  • Death

    The Death of Che Guevara