Portrait bf

Benjamin Franklin

By Lopezsd
  • Benjamin Franklin was born.

    Benjamin Franklin was born.
    On January 17th, 1706 Abiah Folger gave birth to Benjamin, son of Josiah Freanklin.
  • Period: to

    Benjamin Franklin

    Timeline of Benjamin Franklin's life.
  • Age 12, becomes apprentice to older half brother James.

    Age 12, becomes apprentice to older half brother James.
    At age 12, he became an appprentice to his older half brother, James, which was a printer and publisher.
  • Moves to boarding house

    Moves to boarding house
    In 1720, he left his house to go to a boarding house.
  • Official printer

    Official printer
    In 1730 he was elected the official printer of pennsylvania
  • marriage

    On sep 1st 1730 he marries Deborah Read
  • PA assembly

    PA assembly
    In 1736 he was named clerk of the PA assembly
  • Francis

    Francis Folger Franklin was born,, although he dies 4 years later of small pox.
  • Signed the french alliance

    Signed the french alliance
    On February 6 1778 he signed the french alliance.
  • Elected

    Elected President of Pennsylvania Executive Council
  • Benjamin's death.

    Benjamin's death.
    On April 17 1790, Bejamin Franklin died at age 84.