Allen ginsberg

Allen Ginsberg

  • Allen is born

    Allen is born
    Mother is Naomi Ginsberg, father is Louis Ginsberg
  • Allen goes to Columbia University

    Allen goes to Columbia University
    Here, Allen befriends William Burroughs and Jack Kerouac, who both become important Beat Writers with Allen
  • Allen goes to Cuba

    Allen goes to Cuba
    Allen visits here as a correspondent for Evergreen Review and is later kicked out for insulting the University of Havana
  • Allen publishes "Howl"

    Allen publishes "Howl"
    This poem brought him to public attention for the first time
  • Allen travels to Czechoslovakia

    Allen travels to Czechoslovakia
    Here, Allen is elected "King of May" by thousands of Czech citizens. He also is kicked out for being "sloppy and degenerate".
  • Allen's mother dies

    Allen's mother dies
    After her death, allen wrote "Kaddish" to mourn her death.
  • Allen publishes "Kaddish"

    Allen publishes "Kaddish"
    In Kaddish, Allen mourns his mother, who was mentally unstable and lived in a mental hospital
  • Allen converts to Buddism

    Allen converts to Buddism
    He had been believing in Buddhism for a while and incorporated it into the hippie movement.
  • Allen recieves the National Book Award

    Allen recieves the National Book Award
    Allen got this award for his poem "The Fall of America"
  • Allen is arrested for sitting on train tracks

    Allen is arrested for sitting on train tracks
    Allen sits on train tracks with Peter Orlovsky to stop a train full of radioactive waste from the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant in Colorado
  • Allen is awarded the "Golden Wreath"

    Allen is awarded the "Golden Wreath"
    In Macedonia at the Struga Poetry Evenings International Festival, Allen is given the Golden Wreath, making him the 2nd American poet to recieve this since WH Auden.
  • Allen dies

    Allen dies
    Allen had diabetes, chronic hepatitis, and liver cancer. Cause of death? A stroke that put him into a coma for 2 days before he finally died.