Albert turner bharucha reid

Albert Turner Bharucha-Reid

  • Birth

    Albert was born on February 22, 1930. He was born in Hampton, Virginia.
  • College

    Albert went to college at Iowa State University. He studied Mathmatical Biology.
  • Job

    He began to work as a research associate in Mathmatical Statistics. He worked at Columbia University.
  • Love Life

    Love Life
    Albert Married on June 5, 1994. He was married to Rodab Phiroze Bharucha.
  • Children

    He eventually had 2 kids. Their two names were Kurush and Rustam.
  • New Work

    New Work
    He became a Mathmatics Professor for a new job. He taught at The University of Oregon.
  • Travels

    Albert left the U.S. to find a different job. HE went to the Mathmatical Institude At the Polish Academy of Sciences, in Poland.
  • Books

    Albert published his first book in 1960. It was called "The Elements of the Theory of Makarov Processes and Their Application."
  • Moving Up the Academic Chain

    Moving Up the Academic Chain
    Albert became the associate professor at Wayne State University. It is located in Detroit, Michigan.
  • Finally at the top!

    Finally at the top!
    Albert was promoted to Head Professor 4 years later. It was at the same college in Detroit, Michigan.
  • More Books

    More Books
    Albert published yet another book in 1970. It was called "Probalistic Methods in Applied Mathmatics."
  • Awards!!

    Albert was given an award from Wayne State University. He was named a Graduate dean of Arts and Sciences and Associate Provost of Graduate Studies.
  • Higher Degrees

    Higher Degrees
    Albert earned a very high degree from Syracuse in 1984. It was a Honarary Science Degree.
  • Death

    Albert sadly died in 1985 while writing a book. He died in Selma, Alabama.
  • Poshumous Fame

    Poshumous Fame
    His book Random Polynominals was published posthumously. It was written with M. Sambandham.