Albert Einstein by:Ezequiel

By imberne
  • Birth

    Albert was was born in Germany, Ulm at 11:30am.He was the oldest son in the Einstein family.
  • Sister is born

    Alberts sister,Maya was born in Munich, Germany (exact date is unknown). Maya was the youngest in the Einstein family.
  • High school and college

    High school and college
    Albert starts high school in Germany. He hated high school because the teachers didn't let him ask question. He graduated from college in 1900
  • Married

    In 1903 I married Mileiva Maric , and had two sons Hans and Eduart Einstein.
  • Theory of relativity

    In 1905 Albert Einstein intruduced the theory of relativity. The theory of relativity is how people thought about the univers.
  • E=MC2

    In 1912 Albert Einstein created the formula E=MC2. E stands for energy. M stand for mass. And C2 stands for speed of light. This formula helped people create etomic bombs.
  • Married again

    I married Elsa my cousin in 1919. We didn't have any sons or daughters.
  • Novel Price of Physics

    In 1921 I won the Novel Price of Physics. I won it because I published a lot of scientific papers.
  • Death of Elsa

    Elsa died in 1936. Albert was realy sad when she died he felt alone in a dark room.
  • Death of Mileiva

    Mileiva died in 1948 I was alittle sad when she died.
  • Death

    Albert died in 1955. Ater I died scientist took my brain to see what made me realy smart. And they keeped my brain for 40 years.