Albert Einstein

  • Jan 25, 1095

    theory of relativity

    theory of relativity
    The most famous A. Einstein nevertheless brought the theory of relativity , they set out for the first time in 1905 , in his article " On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies ." Already in his youth , Einstein tried to understand what an observer would see if the speed of light rushed in pursuit of the light wave . Now, Einstein firmly rejected the concept of ether , which allowed to consider the principle of the equality of all inertial reference systems as a universal , not just the limited sc
  • Rojdenie

    Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 in the city of Ulm in southern Germany , in a poor Jewish family
  • School certificate of Albert Einstein , 1896

    School certificate of Albert Einstein , 1896
    Matura Einstein obtained them in the cantonal school of Aarau (Switzerland ) in September 1896 at the age of 17 years ( Grades on a six-point system) . In Switzerland, the six-point rating system from 1 ( poor) to 6 ( very good) :
  • Witty quotes Albert Einstein

    Witty quotes Albert Einstein
    Бессмысленно продолжать делать то же самое и ждать других результатов.
    Все люди лгут, но это не страшно - никто друг друга не слушает.
    Тот, кто хочет видеть результаты своего труда немедленно, должен идти в сапожники.
    Какая печальная эра, когда легче разбить атом, чем предрассудки.
    Если вы не можете объяснить это своей бабушке, вы сами этого не понимаете.
    Есть только две бесконечные вещи: вселенная и глупость. Хотя насчет вселенной я не уверен.
    Единственное, что мешает мне учиться - это полученн
  • death

    In 1955 Einstein's health deteriorated sharply . He wrote his will , as a friend said, " His task on earth I have done ." His last work was unfinished appeal with an appeal to prevent a nuclear war .
    In memory of the people he was a great scholar , turned over representation of the universe of humanity . In the life of Einstein never perceiving any form of the cult of personality , so he forbade magnificent funeral with loud ceremonies. The scientist wished that the time and place of burial is