Daniel boone

Daniel Boone: Frontier Legend

  • Daniel Boone is born

    Daniel Boone is born
    Daniel Boone's lifeDaniel Boone is born in Pennsylvania, on October 22, 1734
  • Daniel's first long hunt

    Daniel's first long hunt
    Daniel Boone went on his first long hunt with a friend, Henry Miller, on approxamatly October 14, 1750.
  • Married to Rebecca Bryan

    Married to Rebecca Bryan
    Rebecca Boone's lifeDaniel married Rebecca Bryan on August 14 in 1756. They would go on to have ten childern.
  • Moving to Kentucky

    Moving to Kentucky
    Daniel moved his family to Kentucky on May 23, 1773. There they would have excellent farming and hunting grounds, but also a lot of Indian raids.
  • Daughter is kidnapped by Indians

     Daughter is kidnapped by Indians
    Daniel Boone's daughter, Jemima, and some friends are kidnapped by the Shawnee Indians on July 14, 1776. Daniel later saves her and her friends with help.
  • Moving to Boonesborough

    Moving to Boonesborough
    Daniel Boone moves his family to fort Boonesborough in Kentucky on September 8, 1777
  • A great loss

    A great loss
    Several friends at Boonesborough wanted Daniel to go buy a few land warrants at the nearest town for them. The problem was, while he was sleeping, Daniel was robbed, so he came back empty handed.
  • Ned dies

    Ned dies
    While hunting in the woods one day, Boone and his brother, Ned were hunting game. About to head back with a dozen deerskins, Indians attacked and only Daniel made it out with his life.
  • Battle of Blue Licks

    Battle of Blue Licks
    Daniel enlisted for the Battle of Blue Licks with his son Israel. After hours of fighting, and an order of retreat, Daniel and Israel fled but only Daniel lived, his son was shot and killed by Indians.
  • Daniel, the frontier legend, dies

    Daniel, the frontier legend, dies
    Daniel died at his son, Nathan's house on September 26, 1820. It was a month before Daniel's 86th birthday.