
  • Actor/Actress

    He was born on May, 26 1907. He starred in 50 movies. He died in 1979 because of stomach cancer.
  • Sports Figure

    Sports Figure
    He won the Heavyweight Championship 51 times. Muhammad Ali fought 61 times his fight record was 56/5. He had a 21 year professional fighting career.
  • President

    Dwight D. Eisenhower was president from January 20 1953- January 20 1961. His vice president is Richard Nixon. And he died of congestive heart failure.
  • TV Show

    TV Show
    Gunsmoke first aired in 1955.At least 69 people casted in Gunsmoke. 88% of people liked Gunsmoke
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War was fought November 1 1955- April 30 1975. 58,220 U.S Soldiers died in the Vietnam War. And it was the 2nd longest war in history.
  • Fashion

    In 1960 Fedoras were popular so were bee hats, people liked wearing bell bottom jeans, and women liked miniskirts, In 1965 people like Converse Chucks.
  • Music

    In 1961 the beach boys created their band, in 1963 Bob Marley started his music career, in 1964 Lynyrd Skynyrd started his music career.
  • Toys

    In the 60's model cars were popular, In 1964 the first G.I Joe was made, the 60's batman water gun is now worth 350 dollars in 2019
  • Compact Cassette Tape

    Compact Cassette Tape
    The first audio cassette tape was made in 1962.The first cassette recorders were really good.In 1964 when cassettes became popular the trademark company named it the cassette tape.
  • 1965 Mustang Fastback

    1965 Mustang Fastback
    The Mustang Fastback had a V8 Motor, It ran on a six cylinder, a 65' Fastback hardtop is now worth 19,418.
  • Movie

    The Night of the Living Dead was made on October 1, 1968. There movie budget 114,000 thousand dollars. The director was George A. Romero