
20th century

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  • Spain and the First World War

    Spain and the First World War
    Alfonso XIII took the throne and the emergence of new political forms threw the Canovite and liberal-conservative two-party system into crisis. There were also several important expressions of social unrest, such as the Tragic Week of 1909 in Barcelona and popular resistance to the drafting of troops for the war in Morocco.
  • The Collapse of the Monarchy and the Second Republic

    The Collapse of the Monarchy and the Second Republic
    In August 1930, Republican, Socialist and Catalonian nationalist politicians signed the Pact of San Sebastian, and on 12 December a military uprising in favour of the republic took place in Jaca. Officers Galán and García Hernández were shot, which led to the resignation of Berenguer, and a group of intellectuals - Ortega y Gasset, Marañón, Pérez de Ayala - declared themselves to be "At the Service of the Republic".
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    On 18 July the military coup spread and the following day Francisco Franco took command of the army in Morocco. By the end of 1936, the Nationalist troops had seized most of Andalusia, Extremadura, Toledo, Ávila, Segovia, Valladolid, Burgos, Leon, Galicia, part of Asturias, Vitoria, San Sebastian, Navarre and Aragon, as well as the Canary and Balearic Islands, except for the island of Minorca. Madrid, New Castile, Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia and Almeria, Gijón and Bilbao became Republican bastio
  • Terrorist Attacks at the Munich Olympics

    Terrorist Attacks at the Munich Olympics
    The Munich massacre forever mourned the history of the Olympic Games, after militants from the terrorist group Black September, linked to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), murdered two Israeli athletes in the Olympic village, took hostages nine more and demanded the release of 234 Palestinians from Israeli prisons.
  • Pele win Word cup

    Pele win Word cup
    During the tournament in Mexico, Santos' "craque" did not have a fixed position and moved throughout the attack front, which disconcerted rivals and always gave his teammates a chance to unload. Brazil was a true marvel in all six games, with Pelé mainly responsible for that. That boy who had dazzled in Sweden twelve years earlier was already a mature, intelligent, self-confident footballer surrounded by attackers who spoke his same language.
  • John Lennon Is Murdered In New York

    John Lennon Is Murdered In New York
    On Monday, December 8, 1980, the British musician John Lennon was murdered at the entrance to the Dakota building in New York, his place of residence. The culprit: Mark David Chapman, who shot the former Beatles idol singer five times
  • Euro

    Euro cash did not enter circulation until January 1, 2002, when it replaced national banknotes and currencies, such as the Belgian franc or the German mark, at irrevocable conversion rates.