Joost van Genne Timeline

  • Nationality

    Even though I was born in Belgium and have never lived anywhere else, My nationality is still Dutch. This is mostly because my whole family is from the Netherlands.
  • Ice skating

    I am not sure when I began ice-skating I think around the age of 4. The reason I began so early is because we are Dutch. Most Dutch people learn ice skating from a very very early age. It has shaped my life because this is the first reason why I liked the winter so much
  • Judo

    When I was 6 I was very energetic. So we decided that I would go to Judo. Because Judo has been a big part of my life it has shaped my life in many ways. Due to the fact that I now had a way of converting my energy to sport I became calmer over the years.
  • Sweden

    In the Summer Holiday of 2010 we went to Sweden for the first time. This is the beginning of what would become our "obsession" or better worded love of Scandinavia and the Northern countries. In total we have been 12 times to Sweden, 8 times in the summer and 4 times in the winter. I am not sure where this love came from, but what I do know is that I hate going to hot countries like Spain where the only thing you do is staying on the beach for 5 weeks.
  • Skiing

    When I was 6 years old we decided that we would go on skiing. In 2010 I was the only one skiing but the year after everyone was skiing. The reason that Skiing has shaped my life is that I have always liked the winter, this is because as I said earlier was already learning how to ice skate. Skiing simply provided another winter sport that i could relate to. The other reason is that because of skiing my brother and I were getting closer togheter.
  • India

    Out connection with India goes back many years. When my aunt was a baby she was adopted by my grandparents from India. My dad proposed to my mum in India. I'm not sure I went to India for the first time it should be either 2015 or 2016. Anyway the reason that this shaped my life is because this was the first country I visited from Asia but most importantly it was the first time I encountered mass poverty. This was a real eye opener because I could not believe that people could live like this.