History of electricity

  • 600 BCE

    The power of attraction

    The power of attraction
    Thales of Miletus (630-550 a.C) was the first in realize that when the amber was rubbed on some objects, it can acquire a power of attraction on the objects.
  • 600 BCE

    The power of attraction

    The power of attraction
    Thales of Miletus (630-550 a.C) was the first in realize that the amber was rubbed, the object can acquire some power of attraction on some objects.
  • 300 BCE

    Firsts studies of electricity

    Firsts studies of electricity
    Theophrastus (371-287 a.C), a greek philosopher, realized that not only the amber, if not than others objects acquire the power of the attraction when they was rubbed. With this studies and with this knowledge, the philosopher wrote the first studie about electricity.
  • Studies about the magnetism and electricity

    Studies about the magnetism and electricity
    By petition of the queen Elizabeth I, the physical William Gilbert (1544-1603) made a investigation about the magnets with the propouse of make better the compasses of navigation, making by this way the bases of the magnetism and electricity. He concluded that the Earth is magnetic, (the reason that the compass can appoint to the north) and studying the static electricity amb the amber, he denominated "elektron", now known as "electricity".
  • The first machine of static electricity

    The first machine of static electricity
    The physical Otto von Guericke (1602-1686) built the first machine of static electricity, a machine that can build electrical charges. By that way, the physical got sparks out of the sulfur ball, fact that he related with the electric charges of the lightning. Guericke also observed the phenomenon of the repulsion of materials who have been attracted previously.
  • Positives charges and negative charges

    Positives charges and negative charges
    Francois de Cisternay du Fay (1698-1739) discovered the existence of two types of charges. He called "resinous" electricity and "vitreous" electricity. With this knowledges, the physical can establish that: -Two objects rubbed with amber repeal each other
    - Two objects rubbed with a glass bar repeal each other
    - One object rubbed with amber are attracted with objects rubbed with a glass bar
  • Leiden bottle

    Leiden bottle
    E.G Von Kleist (1700-1748) and Pieter Van Musschenbroeck (1692-1761) build the first Leiden bottle, object that can store static electricity. That was the first electric capacitor. The Leiden bottle was a very important invent and used in the investigation of the electricity, because allowed store electric charge in a very comfortable way.
  • The lightnings

    The lightnings
    Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) was able to demostrate the electric nature of the lightnings, based on the theory that the electricity is in the matter and the move it is due to its own excess or missing (to excess or lack of electrons and protons). He invented a lightning rods and the bifocals lenses.
  • The force of the charges is converserly proportional to the distance that separes twice

    The force of the charges is converserly proportional to the distance that separes twice
    Joseph Priestley (1733-1804) discovered that the force between two charges is convenserly proportional to the distance that separes it (If the matters are more far the one of the other, less attraction force or repulsion there will be). Priestley also discovered that the electricity distribuited in a unequal way in the surface in a empty sphere, and that the, in the interior, isn't an electric force. Also was the discoverer of the oxigen.
  • The animal electricity

    The animal electricity
    Luigi Gavalni (1737-1798) discovered accidentally that the leg of a frog contrated with the contact with a scalpel with an electrical charge. After more experiments with legs of frogs, Galvani determinated that the fact of the contact with two metals of electrical charge made that the muscle of the frog contracted was made by the "Animal electricity". A concept completely wrong, because it was about of the first comprension of the electric current.
  • Capacity of produce electric current and continous current

    Capacity of produce electric current and continous current
    Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) build the first electrostatic cell and the battery, able to produce electric current. Volta also get manufacture the pile, that mades direct current. In his honor, the unit of measure of the tension is called Volt.
  • Electrochemistry: electric arc and incandescense

    Electrochemistry: electric arc and incandescense
    Sir Humphry Davy (1778-1829) made the electrochemistry studying the operation of the battery or Volta.
    In 1801, Davy discovered the electric arc and the present incandescense in a driver and energized by the battery.
  • Separation of elements by electrolysis

    Separation of elements by electrolysis
    Since 1806 to 1808, Sir Humphry Davy performed a investigations with wich by electrolysis (chemistry descomposition of a substance provocated by the step of continous electric current) succeded the separation of the Magnesium, Bari, Estonci, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium and Boron.
  • Laws of electrostatic

    Laws of electrostatic
    The french mathematician Siméon-Denis Poisson (1781-1849) was published his most important work in which one dictated the laws of electrostatic, applicating the maths to the electricity and the magnetism.
  • Security lights of miners

    Security lights of miners
    Sir Humphry Davy invented the security light used by the miners. This lamp didn't cause corrosion (deteriority of a material caused by electrochemical attacks produced in the environment) of the mines by cathodic protection.
  • The electromagnetism

    The electromagnetism
    Danés Hans Christian Oersted (1777-1851) discovered the electromagnetism, demostrating by this mode that there is a relationship between electricity and magnetism. But it was happened accidentaly in one of his classes about the electricity in the needle of a compass. The compass was near of a electrified cable with a voltaic pile, moved.
  • Biot-Savart's law

    Biot-Savart's law
    The french Jean-Baptiste Biot (1774-1862) and Felix Savart (1791-1841) determined the Biot-Savart's law.
    The Biot-Savart's law allows calcule the force which exerts a magnetic field on defines that the intensity of an magnetic camp (produced by an electric current) is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.
  • Rudimentary electric motor

    Rudimentary electric motor
    Michael Faraday (1745-1827) build a rudimentary electric motor in which succeded transform the electricity in a mecanic move. The motor consisted in a wire which revolved around a magnet.
  • The first electromagnet

    The first electromagnet
    Dominique F. Aragon (1786-1853) was the first man that has build an electromagnet. He did this in realized that the iron was a magnet only when current circulated. The magnet efect missing when the current didn't circulated.
    The english William Sturgeon (1753-1850) build the first electromagnet.
  • The electrodynamic

    The electrodynamic
    Andre-Marie Ampere (1775-1836) trace the bases of electrodynamic affirming that the electromotive is caused by the electrical current. Ampere also experimented with drivers, determinants that these are attracted if the current carry on the same direction, but which are repelled if they go in opposite directions.
  • Electromagnet (2)

    Electromagnet (2)
    William Sturgeon (1753-1850) is also considered one of the inventors of the electromagnet, managing to build a capacity capable of moving 4kg of iron.
  • Ohm law

    Ohm law
    The german physical Georg Simon Ohm (1789-1854) formulated the Ohm law studying the relationship between the instesity, the electromotive and the resistance.
    "Ohm" is the unit of mesure os the resistance.
  • Electromagnetic induction

    Electromagnetic induction
    The american physical Joseph Henry (1799-1878) studied the electromagnetism perfecting by this way the electromagnets and the relers. Also discovered, to the same time than Faraday, the electromagnetic induction: an magnetic camp that can provoke a electromotive force in a close circuit.
  • Calculations of potentials

    Calculations of potentials
    The mathematician George Green (1793-1841) was published the work "An Analysis of the Applications of Mathematical Analysis to Theories of Electricity and Magnetism." This work was an extension of the work made previously by Poisson, but George Green was managed introduce:
    - The concepts of functions of potentials used on the physics.
    - The functions of Green
    - The important applications of Green's theorem