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  • სამუშაო პროცესი

    1. Introduction of a country to the pupils using prepared PowerPoint presentations.
    2. Hi, my name is..., Each student will draw his or her picture on the paper and write down some basic information about himself or herself in English. The teacher shall add a piece of information about the school and the country. Together they should create a book that will be scanned and sent by e-mail to the partner school.
  • მოსალოდნელი შედეგები

    • Get to know a new country and culture
    • Improved writing skills in English
    • Have fun while learning about friends from a partner school and foreign greetings
  • მიზნები

    The goal is to get to know friends from a different country. The pupils will learn how to mark their country on the world map, how to introduce themselves by writing in English, as well as to learn the most common greetings in different languages.