
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in Maravatio, MIchoacan
  • My childhood

    My childhood
    I grew up in Tlalpujahua, I lived there until I was 6 years old
  • Maravatio

    I moved with my family from tlalpujahua to maravatio at the age of 6 years
  • Patzcuaro

    I went to patzcuaro with my family
  • Weekend in the beach

    Weekend in the beach
    It was the first time I went to the sea and I was dragged by a wave
  • My friends

    My friends
    I met my friends at school, when I was in the third semester
  • My girlfriend

    My girlfriend
    I met my girlfriend after the parade in a bar
  • Day of the camp

    Day of the camp
    We looked for a treasure in the whole school and my team did not find it
  • My graduation

    My graduation
    I was with my friends at the graduation party
  • Admission to university

    Admission to university
    Enter the university UTl of acambaro guanajuato